Wednesday, November 23, 2011


           As you can tell from my previous posts, family is the most important thing in the world to me.  To be honest I'm a little sad to be ending this blog because I feel as if I only gave my readers a little taste of what my family life is like.  I will probably try to keep up with it and continue posting about aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.  It might take a while considering how huge my family is though.
       My parents are divorced but I admire that they set their differences aside and do their best to make my sisters and me happy.  I also like the fact that we still do things as a family.  Our weeks are crazy with all of our busy schedules but sitting down and eating dinner or just hanging out together brings us all closer again.
         Like every other family, we have our fights, our imperfections, and of course our ups and downs.  What i've learned over the years is that they are the ones who are always going to be there.  Friends may come and go but family always stays.  I'm proud of each member of my family for numorous reasons and I know they feel the same way about me.

1 comment:

  1. This has been a wonderful blog to read- from the photos to the stories to the honesty- really, I have enjoyed every word. Keep writing! Well done.
